Red de Popularización de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en América latina y el Caribe (RedPOP)
Red de Popularización de la Ciencia y la Tecnología en América latina y el Caribe (RedPOP)
(Latin American and Caribbean Network for the Popularization of Science and Technology)
What is RedPOP?
It is an interactive network, which brings together centers and programs for the popularization of science and technology. It operates through mechanisms of regional cooperation that favor the exchange, training and use of resources among its members.
RedPop was created in November 1990 in Rio de Janeiro, at the request of UNESCO´s Program for Science, Technology and Society.
Who takes part in the RedPOP?
Centers and programs for the popularization of science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean, such as science museums, interactive science centers, natural history museums, environmental parks, zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums, magazines, as well as outreach, scientific journalism and non-formal education programs in universities and NGOs.
Why take part in RedPOP?
Belonging to the RedPop means being part of the most important community of practice and reflection on scientific communication in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is a platform that enables collaboration by sharing experiences and offering opportunities to develop joint projects. Every two years there is a RedPOP conference in which topics of interest in the field of public communication of science as well as different strategies to bring the trade to a professional status are presented and discussed.
Active RedPOP members receive benefits such as:
A discount on registration fees for these meetings.
Information about opportunities – in the region and worldwide – for their center or program.
Presence on the web site and social networks of RedPop.
Participation in RedPOP´s General Assembly in which the network´s policies and strategies are determined as well as collaboration with similar networks and centers.
The opportunity to work in projects of international cooperation for research and professionalization in the field of communication and non-formal education of science and technology.
Discounts on international conferences and courses in museums, education, communication and mediation among others.
Access to information on funding sources and products of science communication.
Participation in the symposium on Professionalization in science communication to be held in Costa Rica in 2016 and the World Summit of Museums and Science Centers in Japan in 2017.
How to become a member of RedPOP?
An institution or program may enroll at any time. Each member pays an annual fee of U.S. $ 200 (if the institution’s annual budget is less than U.S. $ 1,500,000) or U.S. $ 400 (for those that have a U.S. $ 1.5 million budget or more). This payment is very important for the survival of this non profit network. Information on how to become a member of RedPop is available on the website or may be requested by email [to the address]
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